Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Reader's Choice

Because I have some of the most wonderful and faithful readers I wanted to do a couple fun things in the next few days to show you guys how much I value your support and continued excitement over my words. But I am going to need your help. Today's blog is going to be picked by you! Here are your wildly riveting choices:

-That time in middle school that I wore man's pants on accident

-True tales of my sordid dating past

-My honest to goodness feelings about my body, health, fitness, this one will probably be feel good, as I had to throw one of those in the mix

-My input on health care reform, the tax act and foreign policy. I kid. I am sorry, but I would never. I don't even know if there's such a thing as the tax act, I just threw together political sounding phrases that gave me the shudders after popping into my mind.

Okay you get three choices folks, besides being keen on the number three, why overwhelm you? And honestly I have been working two jobs and my life has been slightly exhausting lately, where my feet ache when I stumble in the door after bar-tending and doing wine tastings for 12 hours and I pass out at 9:30 p.m. only to then sleep until 9 the next morning, so adventures have been limited. But don't fret, little doves, don't worry, I have adventures a-coming.

So. Cast your vote here in my comments section, which I will be religiously checking all day on my phone, because it's my day off and I love obsessing over my blog. Or you can vote on Facebook, because I will shamelessly promote my blog over there too. And if only one of you votes all day, well guess what? You win! And if none of you vote, then I have overestimated how much you all like me and I will surprise you and pick one myself.

Please vote by 5pm so as to give me a solid two hours writing time. I know, I know, that seems excessive, but my words must be fashioned ever so magically and I am a perfectionist. Nothing but the best for my readers!

Now cast your ballot!


Anonymous said...

Man pants- probably copying me and my wierd man pants!
Old flames- tales of ex neighbors..yes that is with an "s" had some cuties living by you!
Feelings on health- love hate relationship that has blossemed to acceptance, love and strength!

Anonymous said...

Def man pants!!!!

rs said...

I vote for the middle school pants.

Alexandra said...

I vote man pants too

Stephanie Jane said...

I vote man pants or the feel good one, I like the sound of both! Looks like man pants is winning so far...